Neurological conditions are diseases and disorders affecting the brain, spinal cord and nerves which are the leading causes for disability around the world. The AS HOSPIITAL Institute of Neuroscience offers the most innovative, advanced treatments and therapies for all diseases of the nervous system. We have one of the most comprehensive programs in the country, featuring world-renowned specialists who perform advanced procedures from spine surgery to endoscopic skull base surgery.
The Department of Neurosurgery at AS HOSPIITAL is one of the leading edges of treating neurological conditions using the latest innovations and techniques in neurosurgery such as Neuro Navigation system, Biplane Hybrid OT, Endoscopic Neurosurgery Theater, Spine Surgery Theater with image guidance and Deep Brain Stimulation surgery as well as Epilepsy Surgery procedures
What makes AS HOSPIITAL different from other medical centers?
AS HOSPIITAL is one of the top neurology providers in the country. The departments of Neuro-radiology, neuro- inhabitation, neuro-nurses, neuro- intensives work form a well-integrated and dedicated team. This well-integration among our team members provide our patients various benefits such as faster recovery, early return to work and cost effectiveness along with the best treatment and care.
Uniqueness at AS HOSPIITAL
- We maintain the standardization of care
- We use high technology- Neuro-rehabilitation: neuro monitoring is done at the senior most level- best for Intra-operative. Our surgeons work in collaboration with neuro-rehabilitation technicians to give better results.
- Our follow-up rate is 95%.
The Department of Neurosurgery is staffed by a team of clinicians highly trained in all facets of neurosciences, including neuro-oncology, spinal neurosurgery, and epilepsy surgery among others.